Safeguarding and the welfare of children is everyone’s responsibility.
At St John’s we take our responsibilities in this area very seriously and have robust systems and procedures in place to ensure that our children are safe, happy and well looked after.
- Mr Downes is the lead Designated Safeguarding Lead (DSL)
- Mrs Pursglove is a deputy DSL
- Mrs Downes is a deputy DSL
If you have a concern or a member of staff has a concern it can be reported confidentially to either of the designated people. All staff have a valid DBS certificate, recorded in our Single Central Register, which is kept in the office. All Governors also all have valid DBS certificates.
Should a child disclose anything that causes you to have a concern about their welfare please report it immediately to any teacher or designated person. Do not engage the child in discussion on this issue yourself.
The School Policy for Safeguarding is updated in line with Local Authority Guidance and Regulations. Our policy and procedures for safeguarding are also reviewed and approved by Governors on an annual basis.
- All staff receive regular training around safeguarding from the local authority.
- This was last delivered in November 2022
- Designated persons receive updates to training every 2 years.
If you have an urgent safeguarding issue outside of school hours you are able to contact the Nottinghamshire Multi-Agency Safeguarding Hub (MASH) on 0300 500 8090 or 0300 456 4546