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Thank you for your interest in St John's C of E Primary School.  On this page you will find information about admission to our school and links to the School Admissions page of Nottinghamshire County Council.


Our ‘planned admission number’ (PAN) is 15.  This means that each year we admit 15 new starters into Class 1 (Foundation Stage).  The majority of our children live locally, but are technically classed as ‘out of catchment’. Being out of our catchment area shouldn’t deter you from applying for a place at St John’s C of E Primary School as several of our families live outside of the catchment area.

Although we cannot accept your child’s application without you going through the admissions process first, we will gladly  arrange a visit for you to come and have a look around our school. Contact us on 0115 9177111 and our office staff will be happy to make an appointment for you.


If your child needs a school place and lives in Nottinghamshire, you should apply for a school place through Nottinghamshire County Council.

If you wish to apply for a place at our school, please follow the link below:

Nottinghamshire County Council Admissions: Apply for a School Place

or call them on 0300 500 8080