Class 2 is our lovely Key Stage 1 class with 28 children – 16 of us are in Year 2 and 12 are in Year 1.
Our teacher is Mrs Pursglove and our teaching assistant is Mrs Reason.
In class 2 we aim to become the smartest listeners and hardest workers so that we can learn new things as quickly as possible. We love a challenge and are determined to become the BEST that we can be.
In our class we love to be active, learn with our friends and explore indoors and out. We use our BEST values to help us to be great learners.
This year we are looking forward to Travelling in Time and learning about Transport in the past. We will be exploring places, from Stapleford to Space and will be investigating animals particularly those from Under The Sea.
Here is some useful information about routines in Class 2. Check out our class dojo pages for more information about our learning and the fun we have!
This is the most important thing we learn to do in class 2. We read every day – sometimes all together as a class, in groups or individually. We love to listen to stories and this really helps us to learn and understand new words so we can get super clever! We learn how to decode words using Floppy’s Phonics. Have a look in our ‘helping your child to read’ booklet for more information about this and for links to some useful videos.
Now we are big and in Key Stage 1 we have spellings to learn each week. In Year 1 we have 5 words to learn and in Year 2 we have 10. We have a spelling test each week on Friday.
Here are some good ideas for helping us to learn our spellings :
Be a spelling detective and look for your spellings in the books you read at home or on signs when you are out and about.
Make your spellings using magnetic letters or write them on a whiteboard or chalkboard.
See how many spellings you can use in one sentence or try to make up silly sentences that use your spelling words.
A mnemonic is a rhyme or song that helps you remember how to spell a word. Can you make up a mnemonic for any of your spellings? Maybe you could share this on class dojo so we can all learn it.
In Maths we are building our ‘fluency’. This is having number facts at our fingertips. We learn the pairs of numbers that add together to make 5,6,7,8,9, 10, 20 and 100. We learn how to double and half numbers and count in 2’s, 5’s and 10’s. All these things help us to feel more confident as mathematicians.
We learn a lot about place value in Key Stage 1 and we make numbers using tens and ones and add and subtract tens and ones using ‘sticks and bricks’ and by drawing pictures or using a number line.
In Year 2 we also learn our 2,5 and 10 times tables.
Here are some links to games and websites we use in school that you can play at home. Please remember to stay safe online. We ask that grown ups supervise children in class 2 when they are using the internet and talk to them about e-safety.
Fun games for Maths
Times tables rally Doubling to 20
Hit the button. Double and halving dartboard
Maths fishing. Time matching game
Cat multiplication Telling the time
Division word problems Money at the toy shop
Build a fraction Change exchanger
Fraction of numbers Addition sentence
3D shape sorter Subtraction space invaders
Symmetry sorting Speed boat subtraction
Matching shape game Measuring on scales
Number bonds game Rotation patterns
Fun games for phonics and spellings
Phonics play Read these comics using your phonic knowledge
Forest phonics. Spell words with spelling patterns
Wordsearch Chose a phoneme and do the wordsearch
Foam phonemes Make words and hear the phonemes
Phonics pop. Chose the phonemes you want to practise
High frequency words Reading the words game
Reading words. Find the real words and the fake words
Bingo. Blending phonemes
Plurals. Learn the spelling rules for plurals