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Clubs & Activities

We aim to provide a range of clubs and activities, both after school and at lunchtimes, to further engage children in learning, to help keep them active and to ensure they have good fun!

Sports Clubs

After school each Thursday we offer an extra curricular sports club.  We sometimes use a coach from an external provider or a local club, which may incur a small charge.

We try and offer a range of sports to different age groups, with the aim of ensuring all children access at least one club throughout the year.  So far this year we have offered:

  • Archery
  • Karate
  • Fencing
  • Multi-skills
  • Football

Additionally, each Wednesday and Thursday lunchtime our Year 6 sports leaders organise games and activities for younger children in the school.  Again this is designed to increase participation and build teamwork skills.

Other Clubs

Each year we offer a range of other clubs not connected to sport.  This year, some examples include:

  • Recorders
  • Singing
  • First Aid
  • Fun Club (based on aspects of Christianity)
  • Running Club
  • Lego club
  • Eco-club

Children are able to sign up for extra instrumental music tuition.  Please see Mrs Ward (music co-ordinator) for further details.