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School Information

We are a small urban Primary School, with 95 children currently on roll (September 2023).  The capacity of the school is 105 and so we will always be a small school.

There are known educational benefits to attending a small school; we pride ourselves in the way all of our children are known as individuals.  Visitors often comment that the school has a family feel to it; a view shared by many of our children and parents. 

Because we are a primary school our children are with us from when they start school in Foundation 2 (Reception) until they move on to secondary school at the end of Year 6.

The children are split into four classes:

Class 1: F2 (Reception)

Class 2: Years 1 & 2

Class 3: Years 3 & 4

Class 4: Years 5 & 6

The School Day

The bell is rung at 08:55 each morning.  This begins the school day. 

The day ends at 15:30. Children are in school for 32.5 hours each week.

A typical school day looks like this:


Bell rings


Registration and Lesson 1


Morning Break


Collective Worship (assembly)


Lesson 2


Lunch Break


Registration and Lesson 3 & 4


Afternoon Break (Classes 1 & 2 only)


Closing session (Reflection time, story etc.)


Home time.  School day ends. 

Term Dates

Please follow the link below to view a calendar showing term dates for the current academic year:

St John's Term Dates 2023/24


Term dates for the following academic year, 2024/25, can be found here:

Nottinghamshire School Term Dates 2024/25

Please note that there will be an additional four INSET days to be added to the dates shown for 2024/25.  Parents will be notified when these dates have been finalised.

Holidays During Term Time

We are only able to authorise children’s absence for the most exceptional of reasons.  A holiday is not a valid excuse for children missing school.  School policy is to monitor attendance closely and take legal action where necessary.